Posts Tagged ‘KONY 2012’

They call it a ‘Humorous video with a very serious message,’ but I didn’t find anything funny about it. Ironically, the first person who brought this project to my attention is a Norwegian friend of mine who has spent a good part of his life living in Africa, in my own country, a country that looks down on the sappy calls for donations to help the poor children of Africa (‘just a dollar a day will help feed an African child’ crap). He knew how much I would personally appreciate the initiative and message of the ‘Africa for Norway’ video.

I’m just so sick and tired of the stereotyping of Africans! Always painting a negative, desperate image of our beloved continent for the benefit of financing the villas, land rover cars, and all-expense paid vacations to ‘humanitarian’ workers. Not to diss those who joined the UN and big international NGOs (BINGOs) because they want to play their part in ‘making the world a better place.’ I happen to have plenty of friends who are part of the system. If any of them happen to come across this blog post of mine, I would kindly like to ask them to really ask themselves if their work is actually making a difference, if and how much of the money being raised by their agency/organization is actually being used to help Africans, and if their standard of living isn’t pretty awesome compared to those of their friends who are still in Europe barely coping with the austerity measures being undertaken in the Eurozone? Yes, you know it… you know that the pictures of emaciated African babies has given you the good life!
